Also on the following turn, they should be able to colonize it with the conquering army, or a following, cheap army composed of skeletons and zombies. To maintain a good treasure and good public order, VCs should conquer a town, pillage it for the most money, and then raze it the following turn. Having a hero in the army with strong Vampiric Corruption traits can speed this along. A military presence in an occupied town or city will forestall unrest and rebellions, but the military presence needs to occupy that site for many turns before public order is restored and there is a high enough level of Vampiric Corruption to start giving public order bonuses. VCs need to take time to restore Public Order in their seized towns since all of the other nearby race-nations have a diplomatic Aversion to vampires, new VC acquisitions outside Sylvania have stronger public order penalties. It is not worth it to seize a new town like Pfeildorf if it means you lose Castle Drakenhof to an invasion by Dwarfs or Greenskins.
The first main “questline” of the VCs is to seize more and more territory, but survival and management of your current domains should take precedence most of the time. The cost of new cities, new armies, and public order penalties must be accounted for before new territory is claimed. In the early game, it is unwise to expand too quickly even though cities are the single biggest source of income for VCs, their armies in the early game are weak, and not well-able to defend newly-seized territory. VC Uninhabitable Climates are those uncivilized areas of the map like the Wood Elf kingdoms to the west, and anywhere with too much Chaos Corruption. This is another good reason to leave the Dwarfs alone until you can afford it. VC Unpleasant Climates include other nearby race-nations such as the Dwarfs (mostly east and south). For some reason, so are many of the Greenskin settlements to the south-east. VC Suitable Climates are anything human-based, including the Empire and its Provinces, the Border Princes, and the Bretonnian Kingdoms (mostly west).